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Create AI Captions

The API allows you to add AI captions to a Video by making a POST request to the endpoint:



Request Headers

The API request must include the following headers:

  • X-API-KEY: API-KEY - The secret key for authenticating the API request.

Request Body

The request body contain the following parameters:

  • theme (string, optional): To display captions with style, default value is Hormozi_1 style
  • language (string, optional): To generate video in language you want, default value is English
  • url (string): Url of the input video.

You will get a response like this.

"vid": 375930711093

Note: This is your generated video id. The video will get generated and the video info along with vid will be sent to the webhook in 2-3 minutes. The generated video will be available for 30 minutes to download before expiry